

Professional education background

All of our instructors are graduates from language-related majors, 80% of whom have experiences of foreign education.


Years of teaching experience

AITE's teachers have an average of 5 years teaching experience, some of the most experienced teachers possess over 10 years of expertise


Expertise and abilities

Our teachers have to pass 3 rounds of modeled teaching sessions to ensure their competency in teaching


Payment packages

At AITE, the teachers’ salary is 50%-300% higher than our competitors’


The stability and turnover

AITE has the lowest turn-over rate in its human resources. A stable team of educators can provide the most desirable outcome.


Great platform

A transparent path of personal development ensures the fulfillment of all our employee’s needs.

Teaching Research

Weekly Meeting

Elite’s teachers are required to attend at least two seminars or meetings every week, thus the quality of our lessons can be assured.


Every new teacher undergoes a mentorship in which experienced instructors supervise the acquiring, practicing and perfecting of teaching method.


Preparation before each class is mandatory. Every teacher is well-prepared before each class begins.

Modeled Teaching

Teachers take turns to do modeled teaching during each week’s meeting and their performances are assessed by peers


When it comes to teaching, Elite makes it competitive. Our teachers take turns to do class demonstrations weekly. Their performances are evaluated and marked by fellow teachers. Through this process, our teachers are highly motivated to improve their teaching skills.

Competitive Evaluation Policies

Our teachers undergo a ranking evaluation system. The teachers’ class performance and teaching methods are assessed periodically. Those who do not meet the standards will be eliminated from the current teaching team to ensure the quality of service.